Battery Maintenance Management Program (BMMP)
PulseTech's Battery Maintenance Management Program has experienced over 25 years of success with both military and commercial fleets saving millions of dollars in battery related expenses. Our BMMP helps companies achieve immediate cost savings and supports corporate wide sustainability goals. Batteries perform better and have an increased ability to accept, store and release energy. This allows them to maintain their state of charge much longer and accept recharge more readily, dramatically extending battery life as much as THREE times while reducing the need for maintenance resources and new materials. Typically 70% of 'dead' batteries are recovered reducing the number of new batteries needing to be purchased.
Reasons to Implement a Battery Maintenance Management Program:
- Extends battery life up to 3 times
- Recovers 70% of spent batteries
- Dramatically reduces jump starts
- Extends alternator and starter life
- Supports sustainability goals
- Reduces the number of maintenance man hours
- Reduces the number of batteries purchased
- Reduces vehicle downtime
- Reduces hazardous waste generation
How Much Will Our BMMP Save You?
Estimate how many batteries you dispose of per month. Multiple this number by 0.7 and then by the average cost of one of your batteries. The answer shows you how much money you will save per month by implementing our BMP. Multiply this number by 12 and you now have your annual savings.
For example, if you dispose of 10 batteries per month:
10 spent batteries x 0.7 = 7 batteries recovered each month
7 batteries at a cost of $150 per battery = $1,050 batteries saved in new battery purchases per month
Annual savings = $1,050 * 12 = $12,600 per year.
Our BMMP is an Easy Three Step Process
Step 1: DIAGNOSE the condition of the battery when it arrives as 'new', before and after corrective action and when in service to ensure it's in peak condition using the 390PT Battery Analyzer.
Step 2: CORRECT batteries that are low in capacity using the SC-12, SC-6, SC-2 or XCR Recovery Charger. 70% of dead batteries can be returned to better than new condition saving time and money.
Step 3: PREVENT / MITIGATE when the battery is stored in the shop with the PRO-12-RP Maintenance System. To keep batteries in peak condition while installed on vehicles or equipment use with an SP-7 SolarPulse Charger and/or Power-Pulse Maintenance System. Prevent problems and extend battery life up to three times by installing desulfators on vehicles during routine maintenance.